31 July 2009


"In diesem Moment geht die Tür des Bistros auf, und einer kommt herein, der genauso aussieht wie Matthias Horx."

  • Vergangenheit/Gegenwart:
  1. 1950 bis 1980 - Herrschaft - John Wayne ("Der letzte Scharfschütze")
  2. 1980er - Selbstbezug - Don Johnson / Boris Becker
  3. 1990er - Entthronung - David Beckham
  4. 2010 - Kooperation - Seal ("Ich bin eine Hausfrau.")
  • Gegenwart/Zukunft:
  1. Everyday-Manager (Zwischen Kind, Kram und Karriere)
  2. Health-Hedonist (Vom Stil-Ignoranten zum gesunden Genießer)
  3. Self-Designer (Vom Ego-Trip zum neuen Selbstbewusstsein)
  4. Work-Life-Venturist (Zwischen Laufbahn und Laufband)

Quelle: Zukunftsinstitut, Inhaber Matthias Horx, Trend- und Zukunftsforscher

23 July 2009

Eine andere Welt.

19 July 2009

Ein guter Kauf.

Doris: "Ich habe es erreicht. Ich bin - o Gott - Mutter, ich habe eingekauft [...]."

Diotima: "Was also, sprach sie, sollen wir erst glauben, wenn einer dazu gelangte, jenes Schöne selbst rein, lauter und unvermischt zu sehen, das nicht voll menschlichen Fleisches ist und Farben und anderen sterblichen Flitterkrames, sondern das göttlich Schöne selbst in seiner Einartigkeit zu schauen?"

Doris: "Und dann tue ich etwas ganz Großes. In meinem Nigligé, das meine Füße seidig umwallt und meine Knie streichelt, bewege ich mich vor und hebe ganz langsam meine Arme, die von Spitzen überstürzt werden - und an meinen Füßen rosa seidene Pantoffeln mit Pelz dran - und dann hebe ich meine Arme wie eine Bühne und schiebe die große Schiebetür auseinander und bin eine Bühne."

Doris ist eine literarische Figur der Autorin Irmgard Keun und Protagonistin des Romans "Das kunstseidene Mädchen" (1932). Diotima ist eine literarische Figur Platons. Somit ist es Platon möglich, die Schönheitslehre indirekt durch die Frau Diotima wiederzugeben. Sie klärt ihn im "Symposium" (380 v.Chr.)unter anderem darüber auf, in welchem Verhältnis das Schöne zum Guten steht.

16 July 2009

America's Next Top Artist

"How do you go from struggling, emerging or even semi-established artist to selling a complete show for $198 million? It’s a big art world out there, but maybe this is one place to start!

Magical Elves (Peabody Award-winning Project Runway, Emmy Award-winning Top Chef) and Sarah Jessica Parker (Golden Globe- and Emmy Award-winner) and her production company, Pretty Matches, are teaming up for an hour-long creative competition series among aspiring contemporary artists who will create and compete to conquer the art world!

If you’re an emerging or mid-career artist with a unique, powerful voice that demands a bigger stage – well. . . Here. It. Is.

We want contemporary artists. Your medium could be one of many (or several of many) – painting, sculpture, installation, video, photography, mixed-media – we want voices that believe in their art and want the world to know.

Attend one of our four regional casting calls around the country and we will consider you for participation in this groundbreaking show.

Casting Calls for The Untitled Art Project are as follows:

Saturday, July 11 & Sunday, July 12, 10 AM – 2 PM

Tuesday, July 14, 10 AM – 2 PM
Fredric Snitzer Gallery

Thursday, July 16, 10 AM – 2 PM
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Sullivan Galleries, 33 S. State Street

Saturday, July 18 & Sunday, July 19, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
White Columns

8 July 2009



  1. Geschirr von Versace
  2. Besteck von Christofle
  3. Lalique-Gläser
  4. Louis Roederer Cristal
  5. Beluga-Kaviar
  6. La Ratte (festkochend)
  7. Kobe- oder Wagyu-Rind
  8. Château La Fleur Mouton Rothschild
  9. Cohiba
  10. Cognac Martell Cordon Bleu / Hennessy Louis XIII


  1. Silberrandgeschirr von Puiforcat
  2. Titanbesteck von Puiforcat
  3. Gläser von Theresienthal
  4. Moet & Chandon Rosé
  5. Sibirskaya-Zuchtkaviar von Dieckmann & Hansen
  6. Bamberger Hörnle
  7. BIO-Rindfleisch aus der Region
  8. Château La Fleur Saint-Emilion Grand Cru
  9. Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure Especial
  10. Winzer-Cognac aus der Charente

7 July 2009

It's coming

"A graphic designer wearing a handmade sweater is drinking a fruity cocktail with some friends on the terrace of an 'ethnic' café. They’re chatty and cordial, they joke around a bit, they make sure not to be too loud or too quiet, they smile at each other, a little blissfully: we are so civilized. Afterwards, some of them will go work in the neighborhood community garden, while others will dabble in pottery, some Zen Buddhism, or in the making of an animated film. They find communion in the smug feeling that they constitute a new humanity, wiser and more refined than the previous one. And they are right. There is a curious agreement between Apple and the degrowth movement about the civilization of the future. Some people’s idea of returning to the economy of yesteryear offers others the convenient screen behind which a great technological leap forward can be launched. For in history there is no going back. Any exhortation to return to the past is only the expression of one form of consciousness of the present, and rarely the least modern. It is not by chance that degrowth is the banner of the dissident advertisers of the magazine Casseurs de Pub. The inventors of zero growth-the Club of Rome in 1972-were themselves a group of industrialists and bureaucrats who relied on a research paper written by cyberneticians at MIT."

1 July 2009


I too (me too). I already ate. I am an accountant. I am a doctor. I am a lawyer. In any case. In any event. I am not a crook. I am not a lawyer. I am out (of here). I'm back. I'm back. I see. I couldn't agree more. It could be worse. I can't even discuss it. I could fall in love with you. I don't care. I don't know. I don't think so. I don't know. I got to run. I got high tonight. I (I've) got nothing. I got to (go) pee. I have no idea. If I remember correctly. Intel inside, idiot outside. I know. I know, right? I'll be late. I love you. I love you man. I love you. Instant message. In my arrogant opinion. In my humble opinion. In Arial font, it means I love you (a way of using the American sign language in text). In my not so humble opinion. In my opinion. I am sorry. I am so bored. I am the man. I miss u (you). I'm not a lawyer. In over my head. In other words. In real life. I rest my case. I still love you. It's The Accounting, Man (financial blogs). I thought you knew. If you say so. I will always love you. I want a way out. Idiot wrapped in a moron. If you know what I mean. In your opinion. If you say so.*)

*) So verschriftsprachlicht die Jugend ihre Sinnsuche. Auch in einem Mobiltelefon in Ihrer Nähe.


information: 1 facts or knowledge provided or learned; 2 what is conveyed or represented by a particular sequence of symbols, impulses, etc.

  1. Write where your are.
  2. Photos of Keys found.
  3. Try calling me.
  4. Louis Vuitton beendet Streit mit dem Roten Kreuz.
  5. Want to bring you satisfaction.
  6. Your drillo needs support.
  7. Ein guter Tag für die krumme Gurke.
  8. Date announced.